Design thinking: the method to test, adapt and market ideas

Do you like nothing more than thinking up solutions for customers? Well, what if we tell you that you can come up with even better solutions? Using this design thinking method, you learn to test, adapt and market your ideas, without it costing you lots of time and money.

Discover more about design thinking? Then our other training about design thinking is also relevant. There, you learn the first three steps in design thinking.

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Résultats à l’issue de cette formation

  • You can work with the Lean start-up method.
  • You master the design thinking method.
  • You know the different ways to experiment within design thinking.
  • You know how to test a concept using low, medium and high fidelity prototyping.
  • You assess ideas based on qualitative and/or quantitative criteria.
  • You establish insights and transform them into ideas using a Learning card.

Public cible

This training suits everyone wishing to test their powerful ideas, products or concepts, in order to achieve the best result. Ideally, you are in contact with your target audience, allowing you to gather feedback quickly.

Connaissances préalables requises

Prior knowledge is not required, but it is worth starting with our other training about the first three steps in design thinking. This is always planned three weeks before this training. You can therefore do both courses consecutively.

Méthode d'apprentissage

Cette formation a lieu en classe avec d’autres participant·es sur place. Votre parcours comprend trois étapes complémentaires.

Étape 1 : en ligne
Votre formation commence sur Karibu, votre plateforme d’apprentissage en ligne. Vous effectuez cette étape à votre rythme, où et quand vous le souhaitez.

Attention : il est indispensable d’achever cette étape avant de poursuivre votre formation.

Étape 2 : en classe
Cette étape consiste en une journée entière sur le lieu de formation en compagnie des autres participant·es. Ensemble, vous apprenez les un·es des autres, sur la base des connaissances acquises lors de l’étape 1. Le groupe se compose généralement de 6 à 12 participant·es.

Étape 3 : en ligne
Cet apprentissage se déroule également sur Karibu, à votre rythme, où et quand vous le souhaitez.

Aperçu du programme

Step 1: online (2 hours)

  • First things first: what is the design thinking method?
  • Discover the Lean start-up method.
  • Learn more about Experiment Design.
  • Discover Bright and Clean, the fictional case study in this training.
  • Specify your first ideas by completing a Testcard.


Step 2: in class (8 hours)

Together with your course mates you spend an entire day practicing the design thinking method.

  • We briefly recall the theory from step 1.
  • We dive deeper into design thinking:
    • Evolution of business modelling
    • Business model canvas
    • Lean canvas
    • Progress board
  • Time to experiment according to the design thinking method! You do this with:
    • Testcard & Learning Card
    • Assumptions
    • Storyboard
    • Explorative prototyping
    • Investigative rehearsal
  • You learn to assess ideas with the design thinking method.


Step 3: online (1 hour)

A short recap: you repeat the key in the design thinking method and get further inspiration from videos and literature.

Then you conduct a small experiment and measure the impact. Using your knowledge of the design thinking method you evaluate and adjust as necessary.

Sessions et planning



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