Using time management as self-management: the essence of planning and organising
Do you often feel overwhelmed by your work? Wanting to manage time is impossible, because whatever we do, time never stands still. But controlling the way we deal with unforeseen circumstances, interruptions or urgent matters is something we can work on.
Time management is easy once we accept that time cannot be managed and that we are in control of the way we manage our time! Our behaviour, our habits, and our conditioning influence the way we manage our time. Why? What lies behind this? Discover how you can eliminate certain time-consuming activities.
- 02/04/2025 +4 dates disponibles
- DL2052EOC € 0,00
Nos formations ne vous coûteront rien. Découvrez pourquoi et à qui elles s'adressent
What will you learn in this training?
In this interactive online class, you will receive tips and strategies in self-management. It is focused both on planning and organising your own activities and on managing your colleagues and customers, helping you to effectively achieve your planning.
This training is not about learning how to use Outlook or MSProject tools or Microsoft 365, etc.
After the training:
- You will understand how your personality and immediate work environment have an impact on managing your working time.
- You can plan better according to your professional goals & priorities.
- You can develop routines in terms of planning your work.
- You know how to better overcome lost time or time wasters.
- You can better organise and plan your work where you have an impact.
Target group
Employees who can effectively plan & organise their own tasks independently.
Required prior knowledge
No prior knowledge is required.
This training includes a 3-hour online learning session via Zoom.
There is also an alternative in the form of a classroom-based full-day training. During this classroom training day (morning and afternoon) you will work on your personal job profile and several, individual, practical exercises (including Nirac and Eisenhower) are possible. You can find this classroom training here: Planning and organising in order to improve your time management
Training method
This online course is taken on your computer. Your learning path consists of three steps that complement each other.
Step 1
Your course begins on Karibu, your online learning platform. You can go through this learning session at your own pace, wherever and whenever you like.
Note: Completing this step is required to proceed.
Step 2: Online class
During this step, you will meet your fellow participants – usually six to twelve people – via Zoom. Everyone can see and hear each other, enabling conversations, interaction, and collaboration. This way, you learn with and from each other, based on the insights from Step 1.
Step 3
This learning session takes place again on Karibu. You can also go through this step at your own pace, wherever and whenever you like.
Step 1 (about 1h)
2 weeks before the start of the online session, the training already starts in Karibu. You will already get to know the trainer a little better and you can post your expectations, discover your personal motivations and, by watching a video, we will question you about writing down the priorities and main tasks in your job. We will work with the results of these exercises during the online class.
Step 2: online class (3h)
Time for action! Your trainer will coach you through the basics of time management and help you with your self-management. Together with the feedback from your fellow participants, we will look for strategies and tips that will inspire you towards healthy time management, commitment and satisfaction with your tasks.
- Our vision, definition and principles of time management
- Time management is life management, and it means taking control of your time better
- How do your personal drivers impact your own time management?
- Is multitasking more productive than single-tasking?
- How to plan using the NIRAC method
- How to deal with time-wasters
- The course of the further training in step 3 (Karibu)
- Your personal development plan
Step 3 (about 1h)
Karibu remains the place to be, even after the online class. You will find additional inspirational information in the form of 7 theoretical sheets and a TED talk on procrastination. You can find the full syllabus there and we end with a quiz where you can test your acquired knowledge. In Karibu, you can share your experiences and questions with fellow participants for 6 months after the online training.
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Cette formation en exclusivité pour vos employés ? C’est possible !
Connectez-vous en tant que responsable de formation et faites la demande Ça marche comment ?- 02/04/2025 +4 dates disponibles
- DL2052EOC € 0,00